Mar 28, 2021
A geocaching middleman serves up a Saudi princess to her homeland after Townsend turns her over to Captain Kidd.
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Captain Kidd is a glorified nerd who takes his love for the web, stratego, and crazy fetish with geocaching and turns it...
Mar 14, 2021
Neville Townsend wants the Sikorski Archive and he uses Dr. Laken Perillos to kidnap and torture Dembe to lure out Red.
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The stakes are raised this week a woman who has a fetish for dishing out pain takes center stage in the cat...
Mar 7, 2021
Liz wants to have a meeting with Neville Townsend, yes that Townsend. In order to pull it off and stay safe she uses a Cyranoid to put her plan into motion.
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The Commissioner runs a group of people that offer themselves up as avatars...