Oct 29, 2014
We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: How did Liz Capture Tom? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.
The Mombasa Cartel are in the business of human trafficking. Acquiring people from distant lands and selling them to the highest bidder is their MO, and it is up to Red...
Oct 22, 2014
We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: Who is "The Girl" and what is the key for? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.
Maddox Beck is frustrated with our treatment of the environment. So much so that he is willing to hunt down a 700 year-old plague that will threaten...
Oct 15, 2014
We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: Who or what is behind Lizzie's secret door? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.
Dr. Linus Creel studios social psychology. He also has been using that knowledge to create ticking time bombs of explosive anger. Red steers Keen...
Oct 8, 2014
We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: Does Red ultimately plan to kill Lizzie? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.
Dr. James Covington used to be a respected surgeon. Then a matter of circumstance cost him his license and any respectable future, forcing him to go...
Oct 1, 2014
We want your answer to the profiling question of the week: Why didn't Red interact with Mrs. Reddington during the exchange? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call (304) 837-2278.
Revenge is a dish best served on The Blacklist Exposed as we discuss the latest episode of The Blacklist titled 'Number...