Mar 9, 2019
Red sets Liz and the task force out to find The Cryptobanker, a man who turns dirty money into digital currency for the criminal underworld. This keeps Liz at bay while Red hatches a plan with Vontae and the gang to escape from prison.
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Could Red's time in the clink finally be coming to an end. He seems to think so as he sets Lizzy and the task force out to find The Cryptobanker, a man who turns dirty money into digital currency for the criminal underworld. This keeps Liz at bay while Red hatches a plan with Vontae and the gang to escape from prison. He needs to because in order to protect the task force, and not bring his current informant deal into the public eye, Red pleads guilty to all charges. Now he faces the most severe punishment in the United States Arsenal, death. The Cryptobanker is important in the plan to ink a new immunity agreement with the U.S. Government but as is The Blacklist, things don't always go according to plan.
Be sure to answer our profiling question of the week: How is Red going to escape death?? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call +1 (304) 837-2278.
Here are a just a few of our favorite scenes from this week.
Over a set of headphones as the payment is being made we hear “Something’s Off” by the Jacuzzi Boys. Then when Red takes out the Warden we hear Jonny Redmond’s “Leave My Cares Behind”. When Liz tells Cooper about her suspicions and checks in with Red at the prison we hear “Run Through the Jungle” from Creedence Clearwater Revival and finally as the verdict is revealed we hear “Diggin a Hole” by Mississippi Twilight.
You can hear these songs via the official Blacklist playlist on Spotify or the same playlist recreated by us on Apple Music.
Each week of The Blacklist Exposed will take a deep look at both the minor and major plot lines to this fantastic series. Be sure to subscribe and review us in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or through whichever podcast app you prefer. Also check out our other Golden Spiral Media Podcasts.
A special thanks to Veruca Crews for creating our podcast cover art. If you love it, be sure to check out the rest of her Blacklist and other artwork on her tumblr page.
Thanks for listening! We’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep yourself off, The Blacklist.
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