May 23, 2023
Siya is on babysitting duty this week to try and pry a case out of Red. Turns out she wants to know more about Agent Meera Malik and her past. Red leverages an old stamp to lure out information that may just get Siya the answers she is looking for.
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Be sure to answer our profiling question of the week: Do you think Red is more Dying or Retiring? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call +1 (304) 837-2278.
We start the show with Mira and Nigel waiting for a prisoner exchange as “Roads” from Portishead plays. “Black Steel” by Tricky plays as Meera steals cash from the CIA storage facility. Later, as Nigel dies and Kathleen shows Red a picture of him, “My Cell” by the Lumineers is heard. Finally “Lucky Man” by the Verve closes the episode as Siya gets the check from Nigel’s widow Kathleen Sutton.
You can hear these songs via the official Blacklist playlist on Spotify or the same playlist recreated by us on Apple Music.
Here are a just a few of our favorite scenes from this week.
Each week of The Blacklist Exposed will take a deep look at both the minor and major plot lines to this fantastic series. Be sure to subscribe and review us in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or through whichever podcast app you prefer. Also check out our other Golden Spiral Media Podcasts.
A special thanks to Veruca Crews for creating our podcast cover art. If you love it, be sure to check out the rest of her Blacklist and other artwork on her tumblr page.
Thanks for listening! We’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep yourself off, The Blacklist.
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